I have friends who go to the gym. I have friends who live in the gym. And those who hate it (but this article is not for them). And first two groups usually make faces when I tell them that yoga could make their workouts even better. And here is why it can do so:
- Yoga prevents traumas – it helps you to feel your body better, this is the fact. Yoga helps to develop something like a “body intuition” – just watch how your technique in lifting sharpens intuitively, the movements, angles, and amplitudes become correct. The skill of concentration on your own body helps to correct the wrong movement or stop it right before the trauma occurs – super-valuable skill, is it not?
- Yoga gives the healthy spine. Most of the gym movements are done in a forward-bending manner – think about squats, deadlift, good morning or any abs crunches. It is great, but it is only one way out of 5 your spine can move, and to stay healthy it needs all of them. Yoga offers them all
- Yoga gives the healthy joints – almost the same story as with spine, the joints need more attention with increased load. You also will be able to move more smoothly, avoiding potentially dangerous jerky movements and compensating on the wrong group of muscles.
- The silver bullet for managing stress – it is definitely helpful, especially if you are counting calories (no matter if trying to lose weight or gain it). Meditation helps to keep you calm and control the level of cortisol – the hormone of stress, which “tells” to our bodies that hard times are coming and it’s time to prepare the energy storages. Keep breathing and use the meditation instead of letting yourself to eat that doughnut. It will not make you happy anyways 😉
- Decrease of the “next day pain”. Well, the sore muscles after a workout for many sportsmen is a sign that the workout took place. Notice it, acknowledge it and let it go simply by stretching in a mindful way. Why suffer?
And as my friend has pointed out, it works in the opposite direction as well – gymming gives the strength for mind-blowing asanas much faster than practicing only yoga. Keep it in balance and be happy! 🙂