Be Practical with Your Yoga Practice

Tag: mindfulness

Where do you hide your pain?

Where do you hide your pain?

I remember the very interesting conversation with my friend who told me that whenever he feels stressed, he tends to have the pain in the stomach. He has noticed that his muscles in this area usually become tensed and it feels like someone has punched […]

When and how to eat in Yoga way

When and how to eat in Yoga way

Yoga says that it’s not only important what to eat, you need to consider the time of eating and the right attitude. So, what is the right timing for having the meal? Should we watch the clock or just eat whenever we’re hungry? Well, if […]

Bhavas or 4 attitude of Yogi

Bhavas or 4 attitude of Yogi

What makes yoga different from another physical activities – workout in gym, pilates, stretching, ballet? Perhaps, centuries of philosophy behind it and that unbelievable feeling of peace and unity which (I truly hope) you get after every class. In Yoga asanas are considered to be […]